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Case Studies

aerospace, digital manufacturing solution

Aerospace – Ensuring Quality in Manufacturing

Embed quality through traceability, accountability and repeatability.

Automotive – Single Piece Flow Production Line

Production control system for luxury brand automotive headlamps.

car automotive, single piece production, automotive production
factory automation, improve product lead time, digital production

Customised Machinery – Improving Product Lead Time and Maintaining Quality

Manufacturing Execution System for manufacturing food industry metal detectors.

Smart Factory Blueprint

Tools to help you go Paperless:
Boost Quality, and Accelerate Your Operations

Download our free Smart Factory Blueprint to redefine operational clarity and excellence for your organisation.

Construction – Reducing End of Line Rework

Manufacturing Execution System for improving the reliability of vehicle control systems.

Construction, Reducing End of Line Rework,
creating world class production lines,

Electronics – Creating World Class Production Systems

Creating a production control system for an innovative new product.

Let’s Talk Tascus

Want to see how Tascus can cut errors, speed up production,
and simplify compliance in your factory?